Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So, yesterday we had a blond, female 5'8.5" Goliath (I strapped TWO pairs of sandals to the bottom of my feet to give myself that extra lift.) Since I have no picture, I'll just leave it to your imagination...

My breastplate was a green frisbee, kept in place by an Indian shawl wrapped around my chest a couple times and tied in the front. I had a bright blue fuzzy scarf that went across one shoulder and was pinned where it hung down on the opposite side, by my hip. My battle pants were ballooning Nepali trousers. Adorning my head was a blue paper helmet crafted out of a flimsy school folder. Finally I duct taped my two pairs of Chacos together to finish everything off with a little "towering" effect.

Get the picture?

On another random note, I had two separate people ask me today in Nepali if I die my hair. Is it because it's a bit greasy? And one Nepali person asked me if I was Spanish. Random! Nope. But I taught them some Spanish for fun. :)

This morning was long. 5 hours in the health clinic waiting for a family to get health screening done. At one point in the waiting room, I showed the younger daughter my book for learning Nepali. Oh, that started something! They asked me if I knew a song in Nepali - I sang "Seek Ye First" in Nepali since it's the only one I know. *Boom!*, practically the whole waiting room (almost everyone there was Nepali) was crowding around, leaning in, asking me questions, laughing, giggling. It was fun, but I have to admit I was feeling a bit smothered. I tried not to let that feeling overwhelm me and just enjoyed the opportunity to practice Nepali and learn more about them. Fun!

So, here (posted below) you can see our 4th of July evening in pictures! Huge thanks to mommy for taking most of the pictures. And for mommy and daddy coming, chillin' with all of us, and taking care of the food.

Amy's dad and his wife graciously opened their home to 29 of us. What fun! Eating, swimming, walking out on the neighborhood golf course, picking blueberries and trying them for the first time for some, playing horse shoes, and, of course, watching fireworks! One poor little girl was quite scared, but most enjoyed seeing them for the first time.


  1. That made me smile when I read about being in the waiting room singing in Nepali. :-) I can tell that you enjoyed it. :-)

    And you're welcome for the pictures, etc. We had fun!

    I wanna hear you roar. :-)

  2. It sounds like you made a great Goliath.
