Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Avocado funeral

The avocado I had been dreaming about... appearances can be deceiving. When you peel back the skin, you never know.

We have had so much free food around lately. It's been great! I'm enjoying saving money in the food budget category. My precious avocado that I bought a couple weeks back has been sitting in the fridge for almost two weeks, taunting me. But I wanted to save it. Why waste it while there were other free things to eat? It still looked good on the outside, wasn't squishy. Every time I opened the fridge, I gazed longingly at it but refrained myself from cutting into it.

I finally cut it open last night. Ah, the joy of finally being able to eat it! Excitement!

Brown?? Through and through, completely brown. Rotten. *whimper*

Eating free food is great, but not if that means letting my own food go bad. I hope I never do that again. That poor avocado had to go straight in the trash. Do you know how hard that was?


  1. Granddad would have eaten it ;-). But I think it's really okay that you threw it away :-P. I know how you feel, though. I HATE throwing away food.

  2. Oooh, I know that hurt you to do that. :-/ Bummer.
