Saturday, May 29, 2010

QUICK update...

I got to invite my friends in Clarkston into my home! I got to invite my friends in Clarkston into my home and serve them drinks and snacks, welcome them, sit and talk... it makes me want to laugh and smile and jump up and go get some other people to come in!

may our homes be filled with dancing
may our streets be filled with joy

Upcoming happenings:
*SUN - church at Intown, picnic afterwards, praying our cars will be full with friends :)
*MON - "open house" in our apartment :D
We're inviting the neighborhood from 4-6 to come visit, eat some American food, and take note that we're around and ready for visitors!
*TUES - start with World Relief
Not quite as exciting, but still pretty exciting - I get my FREE spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A. :)

Pictures as soon as my computer is able to connect to the wireless here. Jay is working on that... :) In the meantime, this was a short update because computer time for me is almost non-existent.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I hope your open house is fun! Glad you're enjoying yourself. I was worried. ;-)
