Wednesday, May 26, 2010

No picture :(

Well, we didn't get any pictures from today, so no picture. :(

We moved in the majority of the apartment -stuff- today. I was so thankful to have Mommy, Emily Rose, and Mary helping, plus Richard from World Relief and a volunteer - John Lane.

Some funs of the day:
*Almost not getting to get in the apartment because not all the interns were there.
*Locking us out of the apartment. (Me? I would never! How did that happen?)
*Someone else (not me!) forgetting the key to the trailer load of stuff for the other apartment we set up.
*Eating at The Original Pancake House and finishing off other people's plates. :D
*Getting a cool spice rack to complete our kitchen! Dream come true!

NOT so fun...
*On our way out passing by untouched pancakes that other clients had just left. Emily Rose and mom wouldn't allow me to take them!

The whole thing took a good bit longer than I thought it would (we got side-tracked by helping set up a 7-person family apartment for a family from Somalia coming in), and I didn't get to lovingly arrange my kitchen! I was pretty bummed. That is saved for tomorrow, hopefully. *sigh*

I have to admit that it's really been hard for me to not know much at all of what is being schemed for us interns to be doing this summer. What are my days going to look like? I fear having a full schedule and not having enough time to just visit with people and deepen relationships. I truly do. It's been a good exercise in trust and faith.

As a random side note... has anyone else felt the need for a mirror while on the computer (to study your face in great detail) and thought it simply wrong that there is no website that provides emergency mirror services? This happens to me quite frequently.

The next time I post - it'll be from Clarkston! :)

This'll be me tomorrow... all packed up and ready to go! Hat on and all. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is eating my comments :-/. Not that it was an important, just amusement at your "emergency mirror services" musings. . .
